Things To Do And See At The Jardin des Plantes With History And Facts Guide

Nestled amidst the bustling streets of Paris, the Jardin des Plantes stands as a serene haven, an oasis of lush greenery and botanical wonders. This UNESCO World Heritage Site, home to the National Museum of Natural History, is a treasure trove of natural history and a haven for plant enthusiasts worldwide. Whether you are an avid botanist, a curious traveler, or simply seeking a tranquil escape from the city’s clamor, Jardin des Plantes promises an unforgettable experience.

The story of Jardin des Plantes dates back to 1626, when King Louis XIII ordered the creation of a royal medicinal garden. Initially known as the Jardin royal des plantes médicinales, this humble garden evolved into a center of scientific research and education, attracting renowned botanists and naturalists like Bernard de Jussieu, Georges Cuvier, and Jean-Baptiste Lamarck.

Today, Jardin des Plantes boasts an extensive collection of over 6,000 plant species, representing a stunning diversity of flora from around the globe. Wander through the garden’s various themed gardens, each showcasing a unique array of plants and ecosystems.

Admire the delicate blossoms of the rose garden, marvel at the towering trees in the arboretum, and lose yourself in the tranquil landscape of the Japanese garden.

Jardin des Plantes Itinerary

To fully immerse yourself in the wonders of Jardin des Plantes, consider following this suggested itinerary:

  • Morning: Botanical Adventure: Begin your day by exploring the various themed gardens within Jardin des Plantes. Admire the blooms in the rose garden, wander through the serene arboretum, and discover the tranquility of the Japanese garden.
  • Afternoon: Scientific Revelations: Head to the Grande Galerie de l’Évolution and embark on a captivating journey through the history of life on Earth. Marvel at the stunning dioramas and immerse yourself in the fascinating stories of evolution and adaptation.
  • Evening: Animal Encounters: Visit the Ménagerie du Jardin des Plantes and observe the diverse range of animals that call this haven their home. Watch playful monkeys swing from the trees, marvel at the majestic lions, and learn about the conservation efforts surrounding these fascinating creatures.
  • Bonus: Jardin Exotique: As the day draws to a close, venture to the Jardin Exotique de Paris and discover the wonders of exotic flora from around the world. Wander through the cacti and succulent gardens, admire the vibrant blooms of bougainvillea and hibiscus, and feel transported to a sun-drenched Mediterranean oasis.

A Verdant Oasis in the Heart of Paris

Nestled amidst the bustling streets of Paris, the Jardin des Plantes stands as a serene haven, an oasis of lush greenery and botanical wonders. This UNESCO World Heritage Site, home to the National Museum of Natural History, is a treasure trove of natural history and a haven for plant enthusiasts worldwide. Whether you are an avid botanist, a curious traveler, or simply seeking a tranquil escape from the city’s clamor, Jardin des Plantes promises an unforgettable experience.

A Glimpse into the Past:

The story of Jardin des Plantes dates back to 1626, when King Louis XIII ordered the creation of a royal medicinal garden. Initially known as the Jardin royal des plantes médicinales, this humble garden evolved into a center of scientific research and education, attracting renowned botanists and naturalists like Bernard de Jussieu, Georges Cuvier, and Jean-Baptiste Lamarck.

A Thriving Botanical Haven:

Today, Jardin des Plantes boasts an extensive collection of over 6,000 plant species, representing a stunning diversity of flora from around the globe. Wander through the garden’s various themed gardens, each showcasing a unique array of plants and ecosystems. Admire the delicate blossoms of the rose garden, marvel at the towering trees in the arboretum, and lose yourself in the tranquil landscape of the Japanese garden.

Unveiling the Secrets of Nature:

Beyond its botanical splendor, Jardin des Plantes houses a captivating array of museums, each offering a fascinating glimpse into the wonders of nature. The Grande Galerie de l’Évolution, a masterpiece of glass and steel, takes visitors on a captivating journey through the history of life on Earth, showcasing stunning dioramas of extinct and endangered species. Delve into the depths of the Earth in the Galerie de Paléontologie et d’Anatomie Comparée, where fossils and skeletons tell tales of ancient creatures.

A Zoo of Enchanting Encounters:

Encounter the animal kingdom at the Ménagerie du Jardin des Plantes, the oldest zoo in France. Stroll through its verdant enclosures and observe a diverse range of creatures, from majestic lions and playful monkeys to delicate butterflies and exotic birds. Learn about the conservation efforts surrounding these animals and discover the interconnectedness of all living beings.

A Serene Retreat:

Venture beyond the main Jardin des Plantes to discover the Jardin Exotique de Paris, a unique enclave showcasing a collection of exotic flora from the Mediterranean, the Canary Islands, and South Africa. Wander through the cacti and succulent gardens, marvel at the vibrant blooms of bougainvillea and hibiscus, and find yourself transported to a sun-drenched Mediterranean oasis.

Things to Do and See At The Jardin des Plantes

  • Explore the vast collection of plant species across various themed gardens.
  • Marvel at the stunning dioramas and interactive exhibits at the Grande Galerie de l’Évolution.
  • Encounter exotic animals at the Ménagerie du Jardin des Plantes.
  • Immerse yourself in the fragrant atmosphere of Le Jardin Secret.
  • Delve into the fascinating stories of human evolution and culture at the Musée de l’Homme.

Who built Jardin des Plantes?

Jardin des Plantes was founded in 1626 by King Louis XIII as a royal medicinal garden. It was originally known as the Jardin royal des plantes médicinales.

What are the facilities of Jardin des Plantes?

Jardin des Plantes is home to a variety of facilities, including:
The Grande Galerie de l’Évolution: This museum takes visitors on a captivating journey through the history of life on Earth, showcasing stunning dioramas of extinct and endangered species.
The Grande Galerie de l’Évolution: This museum takes visitors on a captivating journey through the history of life on Earth, showcasing stunning dioramas of extinct and endangered species.
The Ménagerie du Jardin des Plantes: This zoo is home to a variety of animals, including lions, tigers, monkeys, and elephants.
The Jardin Exotique de Paris: This garden showcases a collection of exotic flora from around the world.
Le Jardin Secret: This tranquil garden is a hidden gem within the Jardin des Plantes complex.
The Museum of Man: This museum delves into the fascinating realm of human evolution and culture.

Is Jardin des Plantes free?

The majority of Jardin des Plantes, including the gardens, the museums, and the zoo, is free to enter. However, there are some paid attractions, such as the Grandes Serres and the Arboretum.

Is Jardin Exotique free?

Yes, Jardin Exotique is free to enter.

Is Le Jardin Secret worth it?

Le Jardin Secret is a small but charming garden that is perfect for a quiet stroll or a moment of relaxation. It is a great place to escape the hustle and bustle of Paris.

Is there any entry fee for Jardin des Plantes?

No, the main Jardin des Plantes is free to enter. However, there are some paid attractions, such as the Grandes Serres and the Arboretum. The Ménagerie du Jardin des Plantes costs 9.50 euros for adults and 5.50 euros for children. The Grande Galerie de l’Évolution costs 13 euros for adults and 11 euros for children.


Whether you are seeking a quiet escape from the city’s bustle, an educational journey into the wonders of nature, or an encounter with the animal kingdom, Jardin des Plantes promises an enriching and unforgettable experience. With its free admission, diverse attractions, and tranquil atmosphere, this Parisian gem offers something for everyone. So, pack your curiosity and prepare to be captivated by the beauty and wonders of Jardin des Plantes, a true botanical paradise in the heart of the City of Lights

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