Eiffel Tower in the Night :10 Best Activities and Attractions in Night

Plan a magical evening at the Eiffel Tower with this guide to the 10 best activities and attractions at night.

The Eiffel Tower is one of the most iconic landmarks in the world and there’s no better time to visit than at night. When the sun goes down, the tower is illuminated by a sparkling light show that creates a truly magical atmosphere.

And there’s more to the Eiffel Tower at night than just the light show. There are also a number of other activities and attractions to enjoy, such as dining at a Michelin-starred restaurant, taking a Seine River cruise, visiting the Champ de Mars, and taking a guided tour.

As a travel blogger who has visited the Eiffel Tower at night multiple times I am here to share my insider tips on the best ways to experience it. In this blog post, I will walk you through the 10 best activities and attractions at the Eiffel Tower at night, so you can plan the perfect evening.

Whether you’re looking for a romantic dinner for two a fun outing with friends, or a unique cultural experience the Eiffel Tower at night has something to offer everyone. So start planning your visit today!

Here’s a sneak peek at what you Will learn:

What Does the Eiffel Tower Do at Night?

The Eiffel Tower twinkles with 20,000 sparkling lights every night for five minutes on the hour from sunset until 11:45 pm. This dazzling display is a must-see for any visitor to Paris.

10 Best Eiffel Tower Night Activities and Tours

Now that you are witnessed the Eiffel Tower’s nightly magic let is delve into some handpicked activities and tours that will make your Parisian adventure truly unforgettable. As a seasoned traveler, I have explored the City of Love extensively and I am excited to share my top recommendations with you.

Paris’s Old Town and Top Attractions Private Car Tour

  • For a luxurious experience consider a private car tour of Paris’s Old Town. It is the perfect way to explore the city’s historical gems including the Eiffel Tower Notre Dame Cathedra and the Louvre. This tour allows you to soak in the city’s charm with personalized attention.
  • Personal Insight: I once took this tour and marveled at Paris’s iconic landmarks while sipping champagne—a truly glamorous experience.

Plan your visit to the Louvre Museum with information on entry fees and discover the best things to do at the Louvre Museum.

Paris: Eiffel Tower Summit Access Tour and River Cruise

  • Want to make the most of your Eiffel Tower visit? Opt for a guided tour with summit access and a scenic river cruise. This combo lets you appreciate Paris from new heights and the serene Seine River.
  • Personal Insight: I was captivated by the panoramic views from the summit. It is a surreal experience watching the city shimmer beneath you.

Paris: Eiffel Tower Dinner 2nd or Summit Visit and Cruise

  • Elevate your dining experience with a dinner reservation at the Eiffel Tower. Choose from various dining options enjoy breathtaking views and follow it up with a cruise along the Seine.
  • Personal Insight: I savored a gourmet meal with a backdrop of the sparkling tower. A dinner reservation here is worth every penny.

Paris: Big Bus Sunset Tour with Priority Entry Eiffel Tower

  • Catch the sunset in style with a Big Bus sunset tour that includes priority entry to the Eiffel Tower. This tour ensures you are in the right place at the right time to see the tower illuminate.
  • Personal Insight: The sunset hues over the Seine are awe-inspiring and the Eiffel Tower’s transformation at dusk is a sight to behold.

Paris: Eiffel Tower Visit with Summit Louvre and Cruise

  • Get the full Parisian experience with a combo ticket that includes a visit to the Eiffel Tower’s summit the Louvre Museum and a serene river cruise.
  • Personal Insight: The convenience of seeing multiple iconic attractions in one day was a game-changer for my trip.

Paris: Eiffel Tower’s Madame Brasserie Refined Dinner

  • If you are a food enthusiast indulge in a refined dinner at the Eiffel Tower’s Madame Brasserie. It is a gastronomic delight with an unbeatable view.
  • Personal Insight: I relished a multi-course meal while gazing at the Seine—it is a culinary journey you won not forget.

Paris: Eiffel Tower Summit Access & Cruise by Night

  • Experience the Eiffel Tower’s summit at night and complement it with a romantic evening cruise along the Seine River.
  • Personal Insight: The nighttime summit visit was surreal and the cruise added a touch of romance to my trip.

Paris: Sightseeing Night Tour by Open-Top Bus

  • For a unique perspective embark on an open-top bus night tour. Witness Paris’s landmarks including the Eiffel Tower illuminated against the night sky.
  • Personal Insight: The cool breeze the glittering cityscape and the commentary made this tour a standout experience.

Paris: Eiffel Tower 2nd Floor Access or Summit Access

  • If you prefer a more flexible experience choose between 2nd floor access or summit access to the Eiffel Tower. Enjoy breathtaking views and explore at your own pace.
  • Personal Insight: The 2nd floor offers stunning views and the summit provides a different perspective. Both are worth experiencing.

Paris: Eiffel Tower Entry Ticket with Optional Summit Access

If you are on a budget but still want to savor the Eiffel Tower consider an entry ticket with optional summit access. It is an economical way to admire this iconic structure. – Personal Insight: Traveling on a budget dose not mean missing out on Paris’s beauty. This option allows you to enjoy the Eiffel Tower without breaking the bank.

These recommended activities and tours will undoubtedly enhance your Parisian escapade. Whether you are a history buff a foodie or a romantic at heart there is something for everyone in the City of Love. Do not miss the chance to create lasting memories in this enchanting city.

Eiffel Tower’s Nighttime Magic

Being a dedicated travel blogger, I have had the privilege of visiting the Eiffel Tower countless times,

But it was the enchanting allure of the nighttime experience that left an indelible mark on me. As I ascended the tower during the twilight hours, the City of Lights unveiled its true splendor.

City of Lights at My Feet

One of my most cherished moments was stepping onto the Eiffel Tower’s viewing platform as the sun dipped below the horizon. Paris was bathed in a warm, golden glow, transitioning into its nocturnal persona. The Eiffel Tower’s lights began to twinkle,

casting a magical spell over the city. It was as if the entire metropolis had come to life.

A Dinner to Remember

On a particular visit I booked a dinner at one of the tower’s acclaimed restaurants. As I savored gourmet cuisine the Eiffel Tower sparkled outside the window providing a surreal backdrop to an already exquisite meal. The experience combined culinary delight with unparalleled views making it a memory etched in my heart.

Captivating Light Show

The Eiffel Tower’s nightly light show is a sight to behold. As it sparkles and shimmers for several minutes I found myself utterly captivated much like the first-time visitors who gasp in awe. The atmosphere on the tower’s observation decks during this display is electric as everyone shares the same sense of wonder.

A Photographer’s Paradise

If you are a photography enthusiast visiting the Eiffel Tower at night is a must. The tower’s intricate ironwork illuminated against the night sky offers endless creative opportunities. On one visit I was fortunate to capture the tower with the moon hanging serenely nearby creating a stunning composition.

Recommendations for a Perfect Evening

To make the most of your nighttime Eiffel Tower experience consider combining it with a visit to the Louvre Museum. I have explored the Louvre’s treasures during the day and marveled at the juxtaposition of ancient and modern Parisian art.

You can find practical information about the Louvre Museum entry fees and the best things to see and do in my other articles.

To learn more about the Eiffel Tower’s architectural significance read my article here: For deeper insights into the tower’s historical and cultural context check out this article:

What Time Does the Eiffel Tower Sparkle at Night?

Eiffel Tower at Paris

The Eiffel Tower sparkles for 5 minutes every hour on the hour, from sunset until 11:45 pm. The final sparkle is a 10-minute show without the golden lights.

Insider Tips and Recommendations

Now that you know when the Eiffel Tower sparkles at night let me offer you some personal insights and recommendations:

  • Arrive a bit earlier than the expected sparkle time to secure a good viewing spot especially if you plan to capture photos.
  • Consider a Seine River cruise during the sparkling hours for a unique perspective.
  • If you prefer a quieter experience the first sparkle during twilight is perfect.
  • To learn more about the secrets and facts behind the Eiffel Tower’s enchanting nightly display check out these articles: Eiffel Tower Secrets and Eiffel Tower Facts and Figures.

Best Ways to Experience the Eiffel Tower at Night

The Eiffel Tower at night a sight that Paris enthusiasts like myself can never get enough of. If You are planning to visit this iconic landmark after sunset you are in for a real treat. I have had the privilege of experiencing the Eiffel Tower’s nighttime charm on multiple occasions and I am excited to share my insights on the best ways to make the most of it.

Eiffel Tower Illumination Show

The most classic and enchanting way to experience the Eiffel Tower at night is by witnessing its spectacular illumination show. Every evening as darkness blankets the city the tower comes to life with thousands of sparkling lights. It is a mesmerizing display that occurs every hour on the hour and lasts for about five minutes. My advice? Find a cozy spot on the Champ de Mars or along the Seine River’s banks where you can take in the full grandeur of the tower’s shimmering lights. The view from there is nothing short of magical.

Pro Tip: Arrive a bit early to secure the perfect viewing spot, especially during the peak tourist seasons. Grab a warm croissant from a nearby bakery and you are in for an unforgettable experience.

Read more: If you are curious about the different attractions and views surrounding the Eiffel Tower check out my article on Eiffel Tower at Paris Attractions and Views.

Eiffel Tower Dinner

For a romantic and gastronomic adventure consider booking a dinner at one of the Eiffel Tower’s restaurants. I had the pleasure of dining at 58 Tour Eiffel which is located on the tower’s first floor. The combination of gourmet French cuisine and breathtaking views of the city is an experience that is hard to top. As you savor each course the Eiffel Tower sparkles outside the window adding an extra layer of magic to your evening.

Pro Tip: Make a reservation well in advance and do not forget to dress elegantly. You will want to look your best for this special night out.

Eiffel Tower Night Cruise

If you are looking to combine your Eiffel Tower experience with a relaxing boat ride the Seine River night cruise is a fantastic option. Picture this: gliding along the tranquil waters of the Seine with the Eiffel Tower as your backdrop. As you cruise past some of Paris’s most iconic landmarks including Notre-Dame Cathedral and the Louvre you will see them illuminated against the night sky. It is a captivating way to see the city from a unique perspective.

Pro Tip: opt for a cruise that offers commentary in multiple languages so you can fully appreciate the history and culture of the landmarks you pass.

Read more: To discover the best spots for capturing stunning photographs of the Eiffel Tower at night check out my article on Eiffel Tower at Paris Best Photographer’s Spots.

Eiffel Tower Summit

For the ultimate Eiffel Tower experience at night do not miss the opportunity to ascend to its summit. The top of the tower offers an unrivaled panoramic view of Paris under the night sky. The city’s lights stretch out before you like a sea of stars and you will feel on top of the world. Whether you choose to take the elevator or brave the stairs (yes there are stairs to the second floor!) the view from the summit is worth every step.

Pro Tip: Go on a clear night to maximize visibility and be sure to bring a warm jacket as it can get chilly at the top.

Read more: For additional insights into the Eiffel Tower’s attractions and views check out my article on Eiffel Tower at Paris Attractions and Views and for photography enthusiasts do not miss Eiffel Tower at Paris Best Photographer’s Spots.

3 Things to Do at the Eiffel Tower

Standing beneath the Eiffel Tower at night is an experience like no other and I have been fortunate enough to witness its grandeur. While simply gazing at the tower’s sparkling lights is a mesmerizing experience in itself there are three other activities that I highly recommend to make your visit truly unforgettable.

Ascend the Eiffel Tower

You can not visit the Eiffel Tower without ascending its iconic structure. While there are elevators available I recommend taking the stairs at least for part of the journey. Climbing the stairs not only offers an excellent workout but also provides unique perspectives of the tower’s intricate ironwork. As you ascend you will witness the tower’s inner mechanisms and feel a sense of accomplishment when you reach the second floor. From there you can choose to continue to the summit for an even more breathtaking view of Paris. Pro tip: Book your tickets in advance to skip the long lines.

Check out ticket options and book your visit

Enjoy a Delicious Meal

For a memorable dining experience consider having a meal at one of the Eiffel Tower’s restaurants. I had the opportunity to dine at one of them and it was truly magical. Imagine savoring French cuisine while gazing out at the City of Lights below. You have the choice of the 58 Tour Eiffel on the first floor the chic Jules Verne restaurant on the second floor or even a Champagne bar on the summit. Whether it is a romantic dinner or a casual lunch dining at the Eiffel Tower is an experience that combines gourmet delight with a panoramic view.

Capture the Moment

Do not forget to capture the moment. The Eiffel Tower is one of the most photogenic landmarks globally and nighttime adds an extra layer of charm. I recommend bringing a good camera or smartphone with a decent low-light capability. The tower’s lights create a stunning backdrop for your photos especially when it sparkles every hour. Be patient as you may need to wait for the perfect shot during the light show. Experiment with different angles and perspectives to create unique and memorable pictures. And do not hesitate to ask fellow visitors for help with group photos; you will often find friendly tourists willing to assist.

These three activities based on my personal experiences will make your visit to the Eiffel Tower at night truly remarkable. From ascending the tower and savoring a meal to capturing the perfect photo each moment is a piece of the Parisian dream. So do not miss out on these incredible experiences when you visit the City of Lights.

Want to know more about the Eiffel Tower’s stair access? Check out my article here

Can You Go to the Top of the Eiffel Tower at Night?

Yes, you can go to the top of the Eiffel Tower at night. The tower is open to visitors until 11:45 pm, but tickets are only available until 11:00 pm.
However it is important to note that the stairs to the top of the tower are closed to the public after 6:00 pm. This means that you will need to take the elevator to the top of the tower.
Here are some tips for visiting the Eiffel Tower at night:
Purchase your tickets in advance to avoid long lines.
Arrive early to avoid the crowds.
Be sure to dress warmly, as it can be cold at the top of the tower.
Bring a camera to capture the amazing views.


As we come to the end of our journey exploring the Eiffel Tower in the night I hope you are as excited as I am to experience this Parisian gem firsthand. Throughout this blog I have shared my personal experiences and insights into what makes the Eiffel Tower at night so enchanting.

From the mesmerizing light show that bathes the tower in a sea of twinkling lights to the various ways you can enjoy its nighttime splendor the Eiffel Tower truly comes alive when the sun sets. My heartwarming memory of sharing a romantic evening at the tower’s base gazing up at its illuminated beauty is something I will cherish forever.

I have also provided recommendations for tours and activities that can enhance your nighttime Eiffel Tower experience. Whether you choose to ascend to the summit enjoy a dinner cruise or simply take a leisurely stroll in its vicinity there is no wrong way to savor this iconic landmark.

For more travel tips and insights on Paris and its attractions make sure to explore my comprehensive Paris travel guide . If you are interested in delving deeper into the magic of the Eiffel Tower or other attractions in the City of Love browse through the various articles in the Paris attractions and Eiffel Tower sections of my blog.

Remember while planning your visit to the Eiffel Tower at night be sure to check the official website or local sources for the latest information on operating hours and any special events. And do not forget to pack your camera; the nighttime views are nothing short of breathtaking.

As a travel blogger my mission is to provide you with valuable and authentic insights to make your trips unforgettable. I hope this blog has sparked your wanderlust and prepared you for an unforgettable night at the Eiffel Tower. So go ahead embrace the nighttime charm of the City of Lights and create your own magical memories at the Eiffel Tower in the night.

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