10 Best Things To Do and See | Activities & Attractions and Tours In Louvre Museum Paris France

The Louvre Museum in Paris, France is one of the largest and most iconic museums in the world. Home to some of the most famous works of art, including the Mona Lisa, Venus de Milo, and Winged Victory of Samothrace, the Louvre is a must-see for any visitor to Paris.

With so much to see and do, it can be difficult to know where to start. That’s where this guide comes in. We’ve compiled a list of the top 10 things to do and see at the Louvre museum , including everything from world-famous masterpieces to lesser-known gems. We’ll also provide you with tips on how to avoid the crowds, make the most of your time, and plan your visit.

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After reading this blog post, you will be able to:

  • Identify the top 10 things to do and see at the Louvre Museum.
  • Learn about the history and significance of each attraction.
  • Discover lesser-known gems that are often overlooked by visitors.
  • Get tips on how to avoid the crowds and make the most of your time at the museum.

So what are you waiting for? Start planning your dream trip to the Louvre today!

For more about Paris attractions you can visit:

10 Must-See Attractions in the Louvre Museum

I have had the incredible opportunity to wander through the Louvre Museum’s magnificent corridors and unravel its rich tapestry of art and history. I am thrilled to share my insider insights on the Must-See Attractions in the Louvre Museum ensuring that your visit is nothing short of extraordinary.

The Mona Lisa


Let us kick off with the star of the show the enigmatic Mona Lisa. Seeing her in person is a moment you will cherish forever. When you gaze into her eyes you can almost feel the secrets she holds.

Venus de Milo

This ancient Greek statue of the goddess Aphrodite is a true masterpiece. Her graceful form and missing arms only add to the intrigue.

Winged Victory of Samothrace

Prepare to be awestruck by this majestic sculpture of Nike the Greek goddess of victory. Her triumphant pose atop a ships prow is a symbol of excellence.

Liberty Leading the People

Delve into French history with Eugène Delacroixs iconic painting. It is a powerful portrayal of the July Revolution of 1830.

The Grand Gallery

Stroll through this opulent corridor adorned with paintings from various eras. It is like taking a journey through time.

Napoleon III Apartments

Step into the luxurious world of French emperors. The opulence of these rooms is simply breathtaking.

Egyptian Antiquities

Explore the mysteries of ancient Egypt from mummies to intricate jewellery. The Egyptian collection is a true treasure.

The Code of Hammurabi:

Tucked away in a corner this ancient Babylonian law code is a fascinating historical artefact.

Islamic Art Collection

Do not miss the Islamic art section where you will find intricate ceramics textiles and stunning calligraphy.

Medieval Louvre

Venture beneath the museum to discover the medieval foundations of the Louvre itself. Its a journey back in time.

Now to make your Louvre experience even better I recommend checking out my previous post on Louvre Museum Tickets, Tours, Tips, and Facts. You will find valuable information on how to get tickets guided tours and essential tips to navigate this vast museum.

But wait there is more to explore beyond the Louvre. If you are planning to visit the iconic Eiffel Tower as well head over to my article on Eiffel Tower for a comprehensive guide to this Parisian landmark.

10 Best Things To Do and See In louvre Museum

  1. Louvre Museum Tickets and Visiting Hours: Before embarking on your Louvre journey its essential to get your tickets and understand the visiting hours. I have put together a detailed guide on Louvre Museum Tickets, Reservation, and Visiting Hours to help you plan your visit seamlessly.
  2. The Louvres Unique Architecture: The Louvre is not just a museum; it is a masterpiece of architecture itself. Explore the stunning glass pyramid at the entrance and the palace is history which spans centuries.
  3. Louvres Gardens: Take a breather from the indoors and explore the beautiful gardens surrounding the Louvre. These lush green spaces offer a serene escape amidst the hustle and bustle of Paris.
  4. Louvre Museum Cafes and Dining: Discover delightful cafes and dining options within the museum. Whether its sipping coffee with a view of the Mona Lisa or indulging in French cuisine I have got some tasty recommendations.
  5. Louvre Museum Shops: Looking for souvenirs? Explore the museums shops for unique mementos from art-inspired trinkets to books and posters.
  6. Interactive Louvre Tours: Get the most out of your visit with interactive tours. Learn about the museums history hidden stories behind artworks, and fascinating details that often go unnoticed.
  7. Free Museums in Paris: If you are budget-conscious or simply want to explore more of Paris is cultural offerings I have rounded up a list of free museums in Paris that you can visit.
  8. Louvre Museum Night Tours: Experience the magic of the Louvre at night. Night tours offer a unique perspective and a chance to see the museum in a different light quite literally!
  9. Louvre for Families: Traveling with little ones? Discover how to make the Louvre engaging and educational for children. There are kid-friendly activities and tours to keep them entertained.
  10. The Louvre’s Connection to Pop Culture: You had be surprised how often the Louvre pops up in movies, books and music. Explore its presence in pop culture and how it continues to inspire artists worldwide.

What Makes the Louvre Museum a Must-Visit?

Louvre Museum Inside

Louvre Museum is an absolute must-visit when you find yourself in the magical city of Paris. As a travel blogger who has been fortunate enough to wander through its hallowed halls I cant wait to recount the reasons that make the Louvre a place you should not miss.
1. A Treasure Trove of Art and History: The Louvre is not just a museum; its a time capsule of human creativity and history. From ancient Egyptian relics to Renaissance masterpieces it houses a staggering collection that will leave art enthusiasts and history buffs in awe.
2. The Mona Lisa Mystery: Picture this: standing before the enigmatic smile of the Mona Lisa. It is an experience thats as surreal as the painting itself. The world-famous masterpiece by Leonardo da Vinci is a star attraction that draws visitors from every corner of the globe.
3. Architectural Marvel: Beyond the art the Louvre itself is a work of art. The grandiose palace turned museum is a sight to behold. Be sure to admire the iconic glass pyramid entrance – a juxtaposition of modernity against historical elegance.
4. Cultural Significance: Stepping into the Louvre feels like stepping into the annals of culture and civilization. The sheer breadth of its collections tells stories from various corners of the world spanning centuries and continents.
5. Hidden Gems: While the Mona Lisa is undoubtedly a showstopper do not overlook the hidden gems scattered throughout the museum. From lesser-known paintings to intricate sculptures tucked away in corners these discoveries can be equally enchanting.

What to Expect at the Louvre Museum?

Before you set foot inside the Louvre Museum its essential to know what to expect. After multiple visits to this iconic Parisian landmark I have gathered some insights to help you make the most of your experience.
Size Matters – Its Massive! The Louvre is not just a museum; it is a vast labyrinth of art and history. Prepare to be amazed by its sheer size. With over 72,000 square meters of exhibition space you will need a plan to navigate it effectively.
The Art Collection – A Treasure Trove One of the Louvres highlights is its unparalleled art collection. From ancient Egyptian artifacts to Renaissance masterpieces you will encounter diverse artworks from different eras and cultures. The Mona Lisa is of course the superstar but there is so much more to explore.
Crowds and Queues – Be Patient The Louvre is a magnet for tourists worldwide which means crowds and queues are part of the deal. To avoid long lines consider booking your tickets in advance. I have shared some tips on this in my article on Louvre Museum Tickets, Reservation and Visiting Hours.
A Grand Palace – Architectural Marvel The Louvre itself is an architectural marvel. It was once a royal palace and you can still see remnants of its regal past. The glass pyramid entrance is an iconic modern addition creating a stunning contrast with the historic building.
Plan Your Route – Prioritize With so much to see planning your route is crucial. Decide which sections and artworks are your top priorities. If you are unsure check out my article on Must-See Attractions at the Louvre Museum for some recommendations.
Guided Tours – Worth Considering Considering a guided tour? I highly recommend it. A knowledgeable guide can provide valuable insights and shortcuts through the museum and help you make the most of your visit.
Relax and Take Breaks – Its Overwhelming Exploring the Louvre can be overwhelming so dont forget to take breaks. The museum has cafes where you can recharge with a coffee or a snack.
In summary expect a grand adventure when visiting the Louvre Museum. It is a treasure trove of art and history but it is essential to plan ahead and be patient with the crowds. To ensure a smooth visit check out my article on Louvre Museum Tickets, Reservation, and Visiting Hours. And for a list of must-see attractions take a look at Must-See Attractions at the Louvre Museum. Stay tuned for more tips on exploring the Louvre!

Louvre Museum Visiting Tips and Tricks

Now it’s time to equip you with some insider knowledge on how to make the most of your visit. As a travel blogger whos had the privilege of exploring this iconic museum I am excited to share my personal tips and tricks to ensure your Louvre experience is both enjoyable and memorable.

Louvre Museum Tickets in Advance

First things first let’s talk about tickets. Trust me the Louvre can get crowded and standing in long lines is not anyones idea of fun. I highly recommend booking your tickets in advance through the official website or a reputable ticket provider. For detailed information on ticket options reservation procedures and visiting hours check out my article on Louvre Museum Tickets, Reservation, and Visiting Hours.

Plan Your Visit Wisely

The Louvre Museum is vast and attempting to see it all in one go can be overwhelming. Take it from someone who has been there – plan your visit wisely. Prioritize the artworks and exhibits you are most interested in. The Louvres website has interactive maps and guides to help you navigate the museum efficiently. My advice: start early in the day to beat the crowds and take regular breaks to rest your legs.

Consider a Guided Tour

While exploring on your own can be fun a guided tour can provide invaluable insights into the history and significance of the artworks. There are various guided tour options available including themed tours and skip-the-line tours. Joining one can enhance your understanding and appreciation of the museums treasures.

Download the Louvre Museum App

In the digital age smartphones are your best friend. Download the Louvre Museums official app before your visit. It offers interactive maps multimedia guides and real-time information about exhibitions and events. Plus its a fantastic resource for checking out the Louvre’s impressive collection.

Pack Essentials

As a seasoned traveler I can not stress this enough – pack smart. Comfortable walking shoes are a must because you will be on your feet for hours. Dont forget your water bottle to stay hydrated on warm days. Also consider bringing snacks to keep your energy up.

Respect the Art and the Rules

While you are busy capturing memories with your camera remember to respect the art and the museums rules. Flash photography is usually not allowed and touching the artwork is strictly prohibited. Let us preserve these treasures for future generations to enjoy!

Explore Beyond the Crowds

While the Mona Lisa and other famous works deserve your attention do not forget to explore the less crowded areas of the museum. You might stumble upon hidden gems that capture your heart. Sometimes its the unexpected discoveries that leave the strongest impressions.

Now that you are armed with these tips and tricks you are ready to embark on your Louvre Museum adventure. Remember it is not just about ticking items off your checklist; its about immersing yourself in the world of art and culture. Enjoy every moment and make memories that will last a lifetime.

For more insights on Paris attractions and planning your trip visit Paris Attractions. Happy exploring!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the cheapest day to go to the Louvre?

Admission to the Louvre is free on the first Sunday of each month from October to March. Its a great way to experience the museum without worrying about the cost.

What is the most visited thing in Paris?

The Louvre Museum claims the title of the most visited attraction in Paris drawing millions of visitors from around the world each year.

What are 3 interesting facts about the Louvre?

The Louvre was once a royal palace before becoming a museum. b. It is home to over 35,000 works of art. c. The glass pyramid entrance was designed by architect I. M. Pei and unveiled in 1989.

What are the Big 3 at the Louvre?

The Big 3 at the Louvre are the Mona Lisa Venus de Milo and the Winged Victory of Samothrace. These masterpieces are among the most famous and beloved pieces in the museum.

What I cannot miss in Paris?

Aside from the Louvre Paris offers endless wonders. The Eiffel Tower Notre-Dame Cathedral and the Palace of Versailles are iconic attractions that should be on your list. Explore charming neighborhoods like Montmartre and savor delectable French cuisine.

How do you spend a day at the Louvre?

Aside from the Louvre Paris offers endless wonders. The Eiffel Tower Notre Dame Cathedral and the Palace of Versailles are iconic attractions that should be on your list. Explore charming neighborhoods like Montmartre and savor delectable French cuisine.

What is the most priceless thing in the Louvre?

Priceless indeed! The Louvre holds countless treasures but some consider the Mona Lisa to be the most priceless due to its historical and artistic significance. However every piece in the Louvre is invaluable in its own right.

What is worth seeing at the Louvre?

Everything is worth seeing in this magnificent museum. From ancient Egyptian artifacts to breathtaking European paintings each exhibit offers a unique experience. Explore at your own pace and you will find hidden treasures that resonate with you.

What is the most important thing to see in the Louvre?

While personal preferences vary the Louvres most important gem is arguably the Mona Lisa. Her enigmatic smile has captivated audiences for centuries. It is a moment you should not miss during your visit.

What should you not miss at the Louvre?

When you step into the Louvre there is one lady you absolutely must say hello to – the enigmatic Mona Lisa. This masterpiece by da Vinci is a star attraction. The Venus de Milo and the Winged Victory of Samothrace are also must-sees. But do not forget to explore the lesser-known gems tucked away in the museums corners; they often hold surprising beauty.

  1. Louvre Museum Tickets and Visiting Hours: Before embarking on your Louvre journey its essential to get your tickets and understand the visiting hours. I have put together a detailed guide on Louvre Museum Tickets, Reservation, and Visiting Hours to help you plan your visit seamlessly.
  2. The Louvres Unique Architecture: The Louvre is not just a museum; it is a masterpiece of architecture itself. Explore the stunning glass pyramid at the entrance and the palace is history which spans centuries.
  3. Louvres Gardens: Take a breather from the indoors and explore the beautiful gardens surrounding the Louvre. These lush green spaces offer a serene escape amidst the hustle and bustle of Paris.
  4. Louvre Museum Cafes and Dining: Discover delightful cafes and dining options within the museum. Whether its sipping coffee with a view of the Mona Lisa or indulging in French cuisine I have got some tasty recommendations.
  5. Louvre Museum Shops: Looking for souvenirs? Explore the museums shops for unique mementos from art-inspired trinkets to books and posters.
  6. Interactive Louvre Tours: Get the most out of your visit with interactive tours. Learn about the museums history hidden stories behind artworks, and fascinating details that often go unnoticed.
  7. Free Museums in Paris: If you are budget-conscious or simply want to explore more of Paris is cultural offerings I have rounded up a list of free museums in Paris that you can visit.
  8. Louvre Museum Night Tours: Experience the magic of the Louvre at night. Night tours offer a unique perspective and a chance to see the museum in a different light quite literally!
  9. Louvre for Families: Traveling with little ones? Discover how to make the Louvre engaging and educational for children. There are kid-friendly activities and tours to keep them entertained.
  10. The Louvre’s Connection to Pop Culture: You had be surprised how often the Louvre pops up in movies, books and music. Explore its presence in pop culture and how it continues to inspire artists worldwide.

These aspects add depth to your Louvre experience allowing you to appreciate not just the art but the entire ambiance of this cultural treasure trove. So whether you are an art connoisseur a history buff or simply an explorer at heart the Louvre Museum has something for everyone.


As we near the end of our incredible journey through the Louvre Museum I can not help but reflect on the mesmerizing experiences We have shared. The Louvre with its rich tapestry of art and history never fails to leave an indelible mark on its visitors.

From the moment I first set foot in this magnificent institution I was captivated by the sheer grandeur of it all. The aura of the Mona Lisa’s enigmatic smile the majestic sculptures and the breathtaking paintings – each moment spent here was a testament to the power of human creativity and expression.

Throughout this blog I have strived to provide you with valuable insights and tips based on my own adventures. But remember, the Louvre Museum is more than just a collection of artworks; it is a place where history and culture converge where the past whispers its secrets to those who listen closely.

As you prepare to bid adieu to this iconic museum I encourage you to continue your Parisian adventure. Explore the city’s charming streets indulge in its delectable cuisine and discover the magic of the Eiffel Tower.

For those seeking accommodation options you can find a range of choices in the heart of Paris by visiting Paris Hotels and Resorts.

To delve deeper into the wonders of the Louvre Museum or to plan your visit to the iconic Eiffel Tower, please refer to these articles:

As your travel companion and guide I hope this blog has ignited your wanderlust and provided you with valuable insights to enhance your visit to the Louvre Museum. Remember every artwork every sculpture and every moment spent in this cultural sanctuary is a brushstroke on the canvas of your own unique journey.

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